
Boyd Bailey: Beginning of Wisdom…

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the Lord is fundamental to finding wisdom. Without awe of the Almighty, there is no access to His insights. Where reverence for His holiness is void, there is a lack of understanding into the ways of God. The first step in acquiring wisdom from Almighty God is to fear Him. There is a worship of the Lord’s majesty, and a dread of His judgment. His holy word--the Bible-- is taken to heart as truth for the purpose of life transformation. At first fear of the Lord may be so overwhelming that it casts out love and distracts our desire for intimacy. Anyone who has been broken understands this process. However, once a healthy fear of the Lord has been embraced, there is peace and knowledge of holy things, because there is submission to and love for the Holy One.

Moreover, we mock God when we move away from the language of fear, but He is not one to be mocked. So, as devoted followers of Christ, we sow the seeds of respect, reverence and fear of the Lord. This discipline of faith results in a harvest of holiness, happiness and wisdom. Fear of Him leads to knowledge of Him. Therefore, bow before Him, and, on your knees in prayer, seek His face for forgiveness and relational restoration. Celebrate with Christ His conquest and ours over sin, sorrow and death. What is counter- intuitive on earth, is intuitive in heaven. Listen to David admonish his son Solomon who became the wisest man in the world, “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever” (1 Chronicles 28:9, NASB).

Related Readings: Job 28:28; Psalm 111:10; Matthew 11:27; 1 John 5:20

Transformational Living
What area of my life lacks fear of the Lord, and how can I expose it to accountability?

My thoughts!
Early in my faith journey fearing God seemed so wrong, but as I grow closer to him it's becoming so essential to my growth and development. FEAR = WISDOM!


Boyd Bailey: Invite Instruction…

“Rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning”. Proverbs 9:8b-9

Wise people invite instruction. They understand correction and rebuke is necessary to grow in wisdom and righteous behavior. Without well meaning instructors, who are willing to get in our face, we only aspire to average at best. However, an invitation to mettle in my affairs defines authentic accountability. Effective correction makes us uncomfortable at times, but we become all the wiser as a result. Indeed, conflict is inherent in accountability. So, if your relationships are conflict free, you can bet you are not being held accountable in the truest sense. Wisdom comes in the form of raw relationships that reek with loving reproof, and the willingness to change. It is out of a rebuke that you wake up and understand the realities you are facing. Your spouse is not nagging, just nudging you to act responsibly. Therefore, invite instruction and you will increase in wisdom and understanding. There are no regrets from wise recipients of reproof.

Furthermore, be willing to be the bearer of bad news. With love and grace go to your friends who have asked for your counsel, and give them the truth. Pray first, and then deliver the unpleasant news. It is much better for someone to see the error of their ways before they reach a point of no return. Talk to them, and not about them. Pray for them privately, and not publically with a pious prayer request. It is a motivation of love that rebukes, and then it becomes a recipient of love. Your relationships will retreat in anger, or rise to a higher level of respect through righteous rebuke. You take the time to prod another toward perfection because you care. Be respectful, instruct with patience, and one day the student may exceed the wisdom of the teacher. Jesus says, “ A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40).

Related Readings: Psalm 141:5; 2 Peter 3:18; 2 Timothy 4:2; Revelation 3:19

Transformational Living
To whom do I need to listen, and learn from their correction and rebuke?

My thoughts!
This is defiantly a scratchy topic, but I've recently been blessed with lots of nudging!


Boyd Bailey: Choose Your Battles…

“Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult; whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse.” Proverbs 9:7

We all have a limited amount of time and energy. Wisdom says to spend them both on productive people and not destructive ones. Verbal sparring with a proud person only invites insult. It is better to ignore their venomous venting, than try to reason with them. Do your best, stay focused on the task and trust your reputation with the giver of reputations, your Savior Jesus. Mockers only look to stir things up in the moment. They have no long-term solutions, so avoid their cynical crazy cycle. A mockers mind is already made up, and will not change regardless of the wise rationale. There are those who return evil for good, so do not go there, or you may end up in despair. Jesus says of the caustic cynic who is full of pride, “Let them alone, they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit” (Matthew 15:14, NASB).

Furthermore, what about a family member who seems to be hurtling down a path of destruction? Specifically, you may have a teenager, or adult child, whose entire focus is on friends and the exercise of freedom. They seem to have rejected all common sense and Christ-like influences. First of all, focus on their heart with love and acceptance. If you battle over the external it will be messy and costly. However, if they change from the inside out their transformation is beautiful and enduring. Ask them to pray, and ask the Lord what He thinks about their decisions and choice of friends. Direct them back to Scripture as their Savior’s standard for living. Above all, pursue a peaceful and patient attitude in prayer. Our most significant battles are spiritual, and they are won or lost on our knees. The Holy Spirit will lead you in when to speak, what to say and when to remain silent. Everyone wins when you value the relationship over winning the argument. The Bible says, “Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you” (Proverbs 9:8).

Related Readings: 2 Chronicles 30:7-9; Proverbs 23:9; Matthew 7:6; Matthew 22:4-6

Transformational Living
What relationship do I need to give over to the Lord and quit striving over?


Boyd Bailey: Rich Provision…

“Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars. She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table.” Proverbs 9:1-2

Wisdom is the pathway to God’s rich provision. His Holy Spirit allows you to see the common with uncommon eyes, and thus come up with creative alternatives. Wisdom is the Lord’s way of preparing for you plenty of resources and relationships to further His will. He is not slack in sending forth His Holy Spirit for discernment of people and insights into our situations. Therefore, ask the Lord for understanding in what to do, and what not to do. When God gives you the ‘green light’, then go forward by faith knowing He will provide. He has prepared a place for you, not only in heaven, but also on earth. Wisdom’s preparations are plentiful and pretty. So be patient, do the next wise thing and watch God work in ways you never imagined. Wisdom is at work on behalf of your work.

Maybe He is calling you to worship and community with different followers of Christ? A church built on the foundation of God’s wisdom is the best preparation for your faith and family. Yes, you are best fed in a family of faith where the Word of God is given full attention and examination. Like the Bereans in the early church you are encouraged to ask bold questions related to the meaning of Scripture. The church is God’s house for prayer, and the proclamation of His principles for the gaining of wisdom to live life. Therefore, gather wisdom every chance you get and you will become rich indeed: rich in relationships, rich in character, rich in a robust relationship with Jesus, and maybe rich in stuff. Wisdom is at work on your behalf, so tap into its rich provision. The Bible says, “For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God” (Hebrews 3:4).

Related Readings: Genesis 43:16; Acts 17:10-12; I Timothy 3:15; I Corinthians 3:9-15

Transformational Living
Where is the wisdom of God preparing His provision that I need to access by faith?

My thoughts!
WISDOM! This is a reoccurring word for me this week! I wonder what GOD is trying to tell me?


Boyd Bailey: God’s Favor…

“Blessed is the man who listens to me [wisdom], watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever find me finds life and receives favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 8:34-35

God’s favor is the fruit of friends who find wisdom. They seek wisdom by first watching at the doors of heaven, and waiting patiently at the feet of their Savior, Jesus. It is humbling to think each day Almighty God is available to commission our cause for Christ. The wisdom of Jesus is what we pursue, because His is pure and profound. Like Able the Almighty looks for the best offering for blessing. Therefore, honor God by offering Him the first fruits of your day. Just as He deserves first dibs on your money, so He expects the same at the beginning of your day. Get up and go to God first. There you discover a wealth of wisdom, and under the shadow of your Savior, Jesus Christ, you receive His favor.

Happiness happens to those who wait for wisdom. His blessing cannot be rushed, so rest in Him. The favor of God is way worth the wait. Like a newborn, the joy is unspeakable. How many times have we rushed ahead outside the canopy of Christ’s blessing? The Israelites learned to stay under the cloud of God, and be lead by faith. Indeed, there is no spiritual oxygen to sustain those in an ‘out of favor’ environment. It is lifeless and lonely. However, for those whom their Heavenly Father’s favor rests, there is rest. His blessing provides strength for the journey, and perseverance to stay on the trail of trust. Jesus experienced the favor of His Heavenly Father when He submitted to public baptism- His confession of faith, and His commitment to public service- His commission to ministry. What issue of obedience do you need wisdom, so to continually experience the favor of your Heavenly Father? Your life is alive and vibrant, because the Lord favors you. You are a favorite of your Heavenly Father, because you are learning to wait on Him, and to humbly walk with the wise. The Bible says, “He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8, NASB).

Related Readings: Genesis 4:4; Exodus 33:12; Luke 2:52; Philippians 3:8

Transformational Living
How can I make sure to stay bless-able and in a position to receive God’s favor?

My thoughts!
2 things jumped out at me!

  1. Just as He deserves first dibs on your money, so He expects the same at the beginning of your day. Get up and go to God first. There you discover a wealth of wisdom, and under the shadow of your Savior, Jesus Christ, you receive His favor.

    I've been working on this for a few months now. Every morning, I pray before getting out of bed. This has been a great way for me to start the day. I've noticed that if I don't do it for a few days things get really hectic and out of focus for me.

  2. How many times have we rushed ahead outside the canopy of Christ’s blessing? The Israelites learned to stay under the cloud of God, and be lead by faith.

    My wife and I just had a conversation about the cloud that hovered over the Israelites. This is really a hard concept for me to grasp, but God's at work here! He want's me to BELIEVE!

Boyd Bailey: Wisdom Creates…

“The Lord brought me [wisdom] forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old...Then I was the craftsman at his side. I was filled with delight after day, rejoicing always in his presence.” Proverbs 8:22; 30

Wisdom predates the creation. Like Jesus, it was with God from the beginning. Wisdom is the Lord’s instrument of creativity and beauty. It stands by His side as a craftsman, ever ready to create for the cause of Christ. Indeed, it is from heavenly inspired wisdom that we experience creative earthly results. Wisdom longs for you to look around for better ways to compliment your calling, and not limit the Lord’s resources. The creative energy of wisdom does not sit still, but seeks out other meaningful methods and models. If how you did something in the past is not effective in the present, put it to rest and watch the Holy Spirit reengineer the process. What will it take for you to let go of control and be creative? The best people leave entrenched environments lacking creativity, however, wise is the leader who invites innovation.

Furthermore, there is a joy and anticipation that accompanies creativity. You are fulfilled and feel significant when you create a product or process that produces excellent outcomes. Wisdom at work creates a system that rewards creative thinking around relationships and results. Remain creative and live; lose creativity and die. Indeed, intense adversity invites lavish creativity, so be wise and use hard times to harness ingenuity. Challenge team members to create compelling content, rich in substance, affordable in price and easily accessible. Above all else, tap into the wisdom and creativity of Christ. Eternity explodes in colorful creativity that birthed the universe. Go to Jesus and seek His mind for new and imaginative thinking. Prayer gives you permission to invent and innovate. Unleash wisdom and experience the Technicolor creativity of Christ. Partner with your Creator, and, by faith and wisdom, create for the cause of Christ. The Bible says, “O LORD, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; The earth is full of Your possessions” (Psalm 104:24, NASB).

Related Readings: Exodus 39:43; Proverbs 3:19; Hebrews 1:12; Colossians 1:16

Transformational Living
What do I need to stop doing by faith, and be more creative with a new and more affordable model?

My thoughts!
Unleash wisdom and experience the Technicolor creativity of Christ. AWESOME THOUGHT!


Wordle.com: (Romans 5)

This was fun! This image can be found at: http://www.wordle.net/gallery/wrdl/439038/Romans_5_(NIV)

Images of Wordles are licensed Creative Commons License.


Boyd Bailey: Hate Evil…

“To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.” Proverbs 8:13

The word ‘hate’ makes us uncomfortable. It has a harsh and uncaring ring and reputation. However, there is a holy hatred of evil that is allowed by Almighty God and even expected. Authentic Christianity is not easy on evil, because it breaks the heart of God, and destroys the soul of man. Evil is an encroachment by the enemy on eternity’s agenda. It takes down leaders who let pride and arrogance seep into their thick skull and stay there. Indeed, if the rules apply to everyone but the leader then it’s just a matter of time before the fear of the Lord becomes a foreign concept. Sin is out of bounds for any child of God that abounds in the love and grace of God. It is the wisdom of Christ that warms the heart, instructs the mind and leads the way into behavior defined by truth. The Bible says, “God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom is hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:2b-3, NASB).

Gossip, greed, jealousy and lies are all evil intentions that corrupt a culture of transparency, generosity, contentment and honesty. Stress can bring out the best and worst in others, so make sure, by the grace of God, you rise above the petty politics of blame. Wisdom and maturity take responsibility and seek to lead the team in excellent execution of a proven strategy. If you do nothing, then the naysayers will negotiate for fear and division. Furthermore, fight evil without fanfare, but, by faith and wise work, deliver constant and creditable results, and your antagonists will grow quiet. It is the humility and wisdom of Christ that defeats evil initiatives. Therefore, give Him the glory, get the job done and trust the Lord with the results. Hard times can produce hard hearts, unless you overcome evil with a humble heart of prayer and bold faith. Evil is extinguished under intense intercession of prayers from pure people. The Bible says, “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with” (James 5:16-17, The Message).

Related Readings: Amos 5:15; Zechariah 8:17; Romans 12:9; 2 Timothy 2:19

Transformational Living
What does a holy hatred of evil look like in my life?

My thoughts!
HATE! The word HATE has power! Learning to focus that HATE at the devil is something I'm working on doing! The devil wants us to LOVE him and it's so easy to if you're not on guard.


Boyd Bailey: Pay Attention…

“Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say.” Proverbs 7:24

Pay attention, because there are some people who want to help you, and some who want to hurt you. Especially, pay attention to those who seem to say the right things, but in their heart they have a hidden agenda. Everyone cannot be trusted, because not everyone is trustworthy. The sooner you discern a man or women’s motive, the quicker you will know how to manage your time. If in conversation it is all about them, then watch out for wrong behavior. Pay attention to the path people may want you to take, so you protect your reputation. Moreover, you have limited emotional capacity and mind share, so make sure the Lord is leading you to get involved. Even good people and compelling causes can lead you astray. Pay attention, and learn to say ‘no’, so you can say ‘yes’ to God’s best.

I struggle with saying ‘no’, because I want to please people. However, pleasing people is not the best motivation. Faith in my Heavenly Father is a much nobler goal. Learning to say ‘no’ is how we gain peace and contentment over the long haul. When you say ‘no’ to someone or something, you can trust your Savior Jesus to take care of the need, and to take care of you. Your ‘no’ opens the door for someone else to be blessed by their ‘yes’. In some cases saying ‘no’ requires more faith than saying ‘yes’. Therefore, pay attention and be prayerful, before you commit time and resources. Certainly as you encounter temptation, do not entertain the slightest hint of ‘yes’. It is better to say ‘no’ to his or her advances, and lose a friendship, than to say ‘yes’, and lose your good name and gain regret. Pay attention and say ‘no’ to earthly impulses, so you can say ‘yes’ to heaven’s best. The Bible says, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:2).

Related Readings: 2 Chronicles 20:15; Psalm 34:11; Mark 7:14; 1 Corinthians 4:14-15

Transformational Living
What area of my life do I need to pay more attention, and say ‘no’ more often?

My thoughts!
So much easier to read than to do! Saying NO is something I'm currently working on and it's really difficult!


Boyd Bailey: Giant Opportunities…

“The LORD said to Moses, "Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites… Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." But the men who had gone up with him said, "We can't attack those people; they are stronger than we are." Numbers 13:1a, 30-31

As we face life, we can be overwhelmed by its giant obstacles, or be inspired by its giant opportunities. Challenges and uncertainty tend to corrode our confidence. It is in the face of the unknown that we can move forward by faith, or backward in disbelief. What giant obstacles are you facing? How can your obstacles be converted into opportunities? Obstacles are stepping stones for obedient feet to follow. Therefore, with aggressive patience, stay focused and you will eventually see some obstacles dissolve, and others transformed into treasures. Maybe a financial giant is looming large as an intimidating obstacle? If so, stay true to your integrity by not selectively suspending your core values for much needed results. Instead, remain faithful to wise stewardship and honesty, and the right results will follow at the right time. Trust God to use scary giants for His glory.

God orchestrates giant opportunities for His greater good. He told Moses that He was giving His children the promise land; all they had to do was show up and receive His gift. Giant opportunities do require faith, planning, perseverance and hard work, as the reward of obedience and trust in the Lord is enough. So how are you facing the giants in your life, as obstacles or opportunities? Leaders look and pray for opportunities, and then explore them with energy and enthusiasm. Your relentless leadership inspires your family, friends and work associates to remain faithful and not freak out. Therefore, take the land of opportunity the Lord has given you. Difficult days and economic challenges are greater opportunities for God to get the glory. So be aggressive, increase your efforts, pound heaven with prayer and by faith receive what your Savior Jesus has already given you. Go after the giant opportunities with gusto and by grace. The Bible says, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13, NASB).

Related Readings: Joshua 14:6-8; Isaiah 41:10-16; Romans 8:31-37; Hebrews 11:33

Transformational Living
What giant obstacle can I trust God with to become an opportunity?

Boyd Bailey: God-Size Goals…

“Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with men is possible with God”. Luke 18:27

God-size goals are meant to challenge our thinking and further our faith. These Holy Spirit inspired ‘big ideas’ are crafted by our Creator to spur us on to good works and transformational living. God-sized goals make us uncomfortable at times. They are not guaranteed to happen, but they position us to pray more and believe in God better. It is through prayerful planning and implementation that gigantic goals move from mere possibility to a more sure probability. Huge objectives are a hedge against mediocrity, and a prod toward perfection. God-sized goals are given to govern your thinking, and determine your time, so you are intentional and focused on His big picture. Otherwise, you can drift around without a rudder of reality, destined to disappointment.

Best of all, God-size goals get you to God. It is prayer and planning, with significant progress, that moves you from the realm of possibility to the place of probability. In most cases, it is one man or woman’s passion and focus that proves catalytic to the creation and execution of the goals. The leader looks failure in the eyes and extinguishes it by faith, wisdom, and hard work, which are all wrapped around a skilled and unified team. Christ-centered possibilities way out weigh man-centered probabilities. Perhaps you need to get away in solitude for several days, and ask your Savior to sear your soul with His goals. Think out of the box of small belief, for the Lord is unlimited in His abilities and resources. God-size goals arrest your attention, adjust your attitude and accelerate your actions. So, prayerfully set great goals, and He will grow your character in the process, while influencing others for His glory. Trust Him to teach you the way, to show you with eyes of faith way beyond the bounds of your experience, for His plan will prevail. The Bible says, “I know you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2).

Related Readings: Genesis 18:14; Jeremiah 32:17; Matthew 19:26; Ephesians 1:19-20

Transformational Living
What goal is God giving me that I need to accept by faith, and work hard towards its accomplishment?

Boyd Bailey: Mentor Young People…

“At the window of my house I looked out through the lattice. I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment.” Proverbs 7:6-7

Most young people yearn for someone to invest in them time and wisdom. They know deep in their heart they need help to handle heartaches. Their naïve knowledge has yet to graduate them from the ‘school of hard knocks’, so they need loving and wise instruction. Who in your circle of influence is a candidate for your caring attention? It may be a son or daughter, a collage at work or a friend from church? God places people in our lives for a purpose. Perhaps you prayerfully pursue a mentor relationship with a teachable young person. They can learn from your mistakes as much or more, as from you wise choices. Mentors are not perfect, just wiser from failures and humbled by successes. Look around you and ask the Lord to lead you to a young person who may be edging in the wrong direction. Reach out, and you will have returned the favor to someone who loved you.

Indeed, mentors take time for others, because they are eternally grateful for those who took time for them. Gratitude to God is a great reason to go the extra mile with someone younger. Read books together, maybe a book a month for a year. Meet over coffee to discuss how the book challenged your thinking, and changed your behavior for the better. A young leader can preclude problems when he or she is able to model the wise habits of their mentor. Always invite an older adult into your life who can educate you in the ways of God. Moreover, the mentor process in valuable to both parties. It provides accountability, encouragement, love and obedience to Christ’s commands. Mentor young people so they follow the right path, and in turn help someone else do the same. The Bible says, “… encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children… likewise urge the young men to be sensible…” (Titus 2:4,6).

Related Readings: Job 32:6; Psalm 119:9; Matthew 28:20; Titus 2:1-8

Transformational Living
What young person in my life is the Lord leading me to invest time, wisdom and resources?

Boyd Bailey: Time for Closure…

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

At certain times life invites closure, and it is wise to accept. For example, the end of the year is a natural closing of the past 365 days. We reflect and ask, “How have I done?” What have I learned?” How can I build on this year going into the next?” Regardless of what happened this year (good or bad), I can focus on the next 12 months with cautious optimism, and peaceful trust in Christ to carry out His cause. Moreover, you may need to experience relational closure. You have served each other for a season, but now is the time to move on, and engage with other interesting souls. You release relationships to closure with confidence, knowing you both have become better. Indeed, it is closure that brings quiet contentment. There may be grief, joy and relief, but this is a path to peace.

Furthermore, you may be experiencing closure in this chapter of your career. You are excited, but a little afraid. You are happy, but a little sad. You are confident, but a little unsure. Use these mixed feelings to move you forward by faith. You have been faithful to do the things you don’t like, so now you can pursue projects around your passions. It is a clear conscious that collaborates with closure, and is able to leave behind any regrets. Forgiveness facilitates closure, so apply it liberally, especially to the undeserving. See this season as preparation for God’s next assignment. Closure grows your character, and is a transition of trust. Most of all, prepare for your final closure with Christ. The Lord gets the last word, and you want to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:23a).

Related Readings: Psalm 46:9; Ecclesiastes 8:5-6; Acts 17:26; Hebrews 9:27

Transformational Living
Where do I need closure, and what is the next step in seeing this come to pass?

Boyd Bailey: Giant Opportunities…

“The LORD said to Moses, "Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites… Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." But the men who had gone up with him said, "We can't attack those people; they are stronger than we are." Numbers 13:1a, 30-31

As we face life, we can be overwhelmed by its giant obstacles, or be inspired by its giant opportunities. Challenges and uncertainty tend to corrode our confidence. It is in the face of the unknown that we can move forward by faith, or backward in disbelief. What giant obstacles are you facing? How can your obstacles be converted into opportunities? Obstacles are stepping stones for obedient feet to follow. Therefore, with aggressive patience, stay focused and you will eventually see some obstacles dissolve, and others transformed into treasures. Maybe a financial giant is looming large as an intimidating obstacle? If so, stay true to your integrity by not selectively suspending your core values for much needed results. Instead, remain faithful to wise stewardship and honesty, and the right results will follow at the right time. Trust God to use scary giants for His glory.

God orchestrates giant opportunities for His greater good. He told Moses that He was giving His children the promise land; all they had to do was show up and receive His gift. Giant opportunities do require faith, planning, perseverance and hard work, as the reward of obedience and trust in the Lord is enough. So how are you facing the giants in your life, as obstacles or opportunities? Leaders look and pray for opportunities, and then explore them with energy and enthusiasm. Your relentless leadership inspires your family, friends and work associates to remain faithful and not freak out. Therefore, take the land of opportunity the Lord has given you. Difficult days and economic challenges are greater opportunities for God to get the glory. So be aggressive, increase your efforts, pound heaven with prayer and by faith receive what your Savior Jesus has already given you. Go after the giant opportunities with gusto and by grace. The Bible says, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13, NASB).

Related Readings: Joshua 14:6-8; Isaiah 41:10-16; Romans 8:31-37; Hebrews 11:33

Transformational Living
What giant obstacle can I trust God with to become an opportunity?

Boyd Bailey: Mentor Young People…

“At the window of my house I looked out through the lattice. I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment.” Proverbs 7:6-7

Most young people yearn for someone to invest in them time and wisdom. They know deep in their heart they need help to handle heartaches. Their naïve knowledge has yet to graduate them from the ‘school of hard knocks’, so they need loving and wise instruction. Who in your circle of influence is a candidate for your caring attention? It may be a son or daughter, a collage at work or a friend from church? God places people in our lives for a purpose. Perhaps you prayerfully pursue a mentor relationship with a teachable young person. They can learn from your mistakes as much or more, as from you wise choices. Mentors are not perfect, just wiser from failures and humbled by successes. Look around you and ask the Lord to lead you to a young person who may be edging in the wrong direction. Reach out, and you will have returned the favor to someone who loved you.

Indeed, mentors take time for others, because they are eternally grateful for those who took time for them. Gratitude to God is a great reason to go the extra mile with someone younger. Read books together, maybe a book a month for a year. Meet over coffee to discuss how the book challenged your thinking, and changed your behavior for the better. A young leader can preclude problems when he or she is able to model the wise habits of their mentor. Always invite an older adult into your life who can educate you in the ways of God. Moreover, the mentor process in valuable to both parties. It provides accountability, encouragement, love and obedience to Christ’s commands. Mentor young people so they follow the right path, and in turn help someone else do the same. The Bible says, “… encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children… likewise urge the young men to be sensible…” (Titus 2:4,6).

Related Readings: Job 32:6; Psalm 119:9; Matthew 28:20; Titus 2:1-8

Transformational Living
What young person in my life is the Lord leading me to invest time, wisdom and resources?