
Finding Faith in Doubt

"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"Mark 9:24 TNIV

FOR MANY PEOPLE of faith, the idea of experiencing doubt at all makes them very nervous. They view the questions that rise in their minds as evidence of a lack of faith, which surely disqualifies them from being authentic believers. So they shove their doubts into their subconscious in Pollyanna-ish fashion. But what if it's not true? What if honest doubt is actually the essence of faith? What if real faith has doubt in the mix, as a coin has two sides? That would mean struggling with doubt is not a lack of faith; it would actually be faith!

I think it is healthy to be uncertain every now and then. Frederick Buechner wrote, "Every morning you should wake up in your bed and ask yourself: 'Can I believe it all again today?' ... At least five times out of 10, the answer should be 'No' because the 'No' is as important as the 'Yes,' maybe more so."

We should not be ashamed if we are drawn like magnets to the uncertainties and questions inherent in faith. Faith is not supposed to come naturally. Faith is the venture of human consideration and divine illumination. Only in a world where faith is difficult can faith exist.

Think of some faith "heroes" in scripture. Did they face doubts? How did they perceive them?

Source: Relevant Magazine by Ed Gungor

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