
Boyd Bailey: Benefits Of Repentance…

“If you had responded to my rebuke, I would have poured out my heart to you and made my thoughts known to you.” Proverbs 1:23

There are benefits that belong to real repentance. When you and I respond to correction in humility and teachability, we are in a position to be blessed by wisdom. Another’s rebuke causes our pride to bristle, but defensiveness is not where wisdom resides. Wisdom is attracted to the man or woman who comes clean with their sins and shortcomings. It is when our spouse or supervisor uncovers inconsistencies in our words and actions that we are wise to listen and learn. Even when someone rebukes us with raw emotion, we are to receive it and repent of our wrong. Moreover, pray for messengers with mixed motives, and the Almighty with give them the necessary attitude adjustment. Your part is to repent and trust Him with the rest. Indeed, God’s reveals His heart to those responsive to rebuke.

Lastly, repentance is a racetrack for wisdom, as it traffics on the streets of a soul who continually turns to Christ, and turns away from man-centered methods. The world’s standards may allow you to attack an antagonist, but not Jesus. The confrontation of a friend or enemy is a crossroad for Christ’s wisdom. Instruction is an ally that grows your understanding of, and intimacy with Almighty God. So seek out the mature of faith, and give them permission to encounter any erroneous actions in your life. For example, once you are aware of a dishonorable or disrespectful attitude, by God’s grace replace it with honor and respect. Perhaps you invite a money management expert to provide you wisdom and accountability in financial stewardship, or ask a seasoned couple to mentor you and your spouse in marriage. God trusts the teachable with His thoughts. Therefore, listen and learn from the Lord and others, ask them to guide you in wisdom. The Bible says, “Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many. I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble” (Proverbs 4:10-12).

Transformational Living
What actions and attitudes do I need to repent of, and ask for wisdom on what to do next?

My thoughts!
The 2 thoughts below are completely profound and I pray that I can made strides to make this happen in my life!
  • When you and I respond to correction in humility and teachability, we are in a position to be blessed by wisdom.
  • Wisdom is attracted to the man or woman who comes clean with their sins and shortcomings.

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