
Boyd Bailey: Discretion’s Protection…

“Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.” Proverbs 2:11

Discretion arms us against evil, and all matters of temptation. It is a God inspired ability to wisely choose between good and bad, and between better and best. Leaders may recognize this trait in you as they did Joseph, “Since God has informed you of all this, there is no one so discerning and wise as you are” (Genesis 41:39). So stay humble if heaven has graced you with insight in what needs to be done. Others are more apt to receive your instructions if it is delivered in a trustworthy tone, and with a teachable spirit. Don’t allow your overconfidence to forget Christ and fuel jealousy in the insecure. Use your discretion for the good of the entire enterprise. It is meant to be a protector, not a pass for pride to wreak havoc. Discretion is a sentinel for your soul’s care and welfare.

Furthermore, use discretion with sensitive information, as your position of influence is to protect innocent parties, and not cause unnecessary chaos. For example, instead of embarrassing someone in front of the group for their incompetency, talk with them alone in a spirit of collaborative correction. You can protect the reputation of a team member, and still experience excellent outcomes within the organization. Make sure to move discretion from your head to your heart, so insights are communicated with grace and clarity. Ultimately it is at God’s discretion, as it relates to opportunities and results. So seek His face by faith to learn how to protect and progress in His will. The Bible says, “For his God instructs and teaches him properly” (Isaiah 28:26, NASB).

Related Readings: Nehemiah 8:12; Ecclesiastes 9:15-18; Ephesians 5:15

Transformational Living
What pressing family issue needs my discretion and protection from foolishness?

My thoughts!
As a recent recipient of a spirit of collaborative correction talk... I am great full! And it was delivered in a trustworthy tone, and with a teachable spirit.

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