
Boyd Bailey: Management by Objectives…

“…Aaron and his sons are to go into the sanctuary and assign to each man his work and what he is to carry.” Numbers 4:19 b

God believes in delegation and follow through. He expects leaders to manage. This is the responsible and the right thing to do. If a job is to be done well, you as the leader have to be a part of the process. Effective managers make expectations crystal clear. Clarity comes through repetition, hands on explanation, written instructions and follow-up. It is important for team members to understand from different perspectives how their role is critical in accomplishing the overall vision. Inspect the results you expect from them.

On the job training is also important; so team members have the opportunity to watch you or someone else complete the work with excellence. This gives the trainee opportunity to ask questions and interact with the trainer. Avoid the temptation to get in a hurry and not be thorough in hands on training. Ineffective training costs you in the long run. It costs you time, money, frustration and personnel turn over. So how can you as a manager grow and improve your management skills? How can you be a good example for the team?

First, make sure you are managed well. Invite your supervisor or Board of Directors to hold you accountable. You have a much better chance to manage well, if you are managed well. Secondly, have regular performance reviews. We do better when others are watching. The review needs to be relational, specific, and results focused. Thirdly, walk around among your team. Seek to understand each person’s role, what is expected of them, and take the time to follow up with tasks you have delegated. Follow through with your commitments and you will maintain your moral authority to manage. Effective leaders manage in person not in isolation. A recluse is a poor manager.

Lastly, challenge the management process. Do the systems of your enterprise facilitate management or stifle management? In other words, do you get the proper data needed to evaluate a person or situation, or are you guessing and making assumptions not based on facts. How can I become a more effective manger and empower our team to manage well? Paul instructed Timothy in this way, “Timothy, my dear son, be strong through the grace that God gives you in Christ Jesus. You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others” (2 Timothy 2:1-2 NLT).

Related Readings:
Exodus 18:17-26; 39:32; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 6:1-7

Source: Seeking Daily the Heart of God Boyd Bailey

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