
Boyd Bailey: Smart Silence…

“Moses then said to Aaron, ‘This is what the Lord spoke of when he said, ‘Among those who approach me I will show myself holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honored.’ Aaron remained silent.” Leviticus 10:3

Aaron just lost two of his four sons because of their unwise decisions to disobey God. The emotions in Aaron’s heart must have been racing. Just before the death of his sons, Aaron had experienced the ultimate in ecstasy by luxuriating in the glory of the Lord with his best friend, family and friends. He went from the mountaintop of celebration to the valley of death. He knew to speak in his state of emotion was risky and unwise.

As anger and humiliation boils, our words become ripe to lash out at God and others. It is wise to refrain in the face of raw emotion. There are times to not speak our mind, and not spew our unguarded words and embarrass ourselves. Instead, by God’s grace, we can remain quiet, cool and contemplative. Smart silence sends a message of maturity. It is golden to God.

It is hard to remain silent when we feel hurt or disappointed. It is hard to harness our tongue when we see our children hurting and we feel incapacitated to help. In is hard to keep quiet and pray when we feel the Lord has let us down. Like an IV in a fevered patient, smart silence requires extra doses of God’s grace flooding our lives. His grace refrains us from speaking until a better time and a better day.

There are times to speak up in the heat of the emotion, but those situations are the exception. In most cases, take a deep breath, send up a prayer to your Heavenly Father and wait before you speak. Wait until you are calm and wait for others to cool down. At the appropriate time, make sure your words are birthed from a pure and prayerful heart. Silence is smart because it allows the Lord to soothe your soul. “But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me” (Psalm 131:4). With what relationship do I need to trust God and be silent?

Related Readings:
Psalm 4:4; Isaiah 42:14; Mark 14:61; Acts 8:32

Source: Seeking Daily the Heart of God Boyd Bailey

My thoughts!
This is an awesome thought: Smart silence sends a message of maturity. It is golden to God.

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