
Boyd Bailey: Emotional Emptiness…

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life”. Proverbs 4:23

Emotional emptiness is a set up for frustrated and insecure living. If I ignore my emotional bank account with bad behavior, I can easily become overdrawn and withdraw into my silent shell. There are ‘late fees’ that result in broken promises, missed appointments, and angry outbursts. Emotional emptiness easily leads to chronic exhaustion. Bad emotions like unresolved anger overcome those running on emotional empty, in addition good things like serving others can suck the joy and gratitude from your life if you are not emotionally whole. Resentment runs rampant when your emotions are on the edge of emptiness, so guard your heart with the Holy Spirit’s help and wisdom.

So how do you know if you are approaching emotional emptiness? And if you are emotionally spent how do you replenish your emotional bank account? One sign of emotional fatigue is when your feelings are easily hurt. You take too much personally without appropriating forgiveness and trust in the Lord’s ability to handle the situation, so invite God to grow your character during challenging times. One way to involve Jesus in your emotional barrenness is to write out your fears, and talk it through with the one whom you totally trust. He will give you courage to encounter those you fear with humility and courage. Lastly, make regular appointments with encouragers who lift you to the Lord with their affirmation and prayers, and who remind you to place your hope in heaven. Emotional fullness is created in a prayerful pace of living. Protect your emotions as they give understanding and insight into yourself, people and the Lord. Above all else, trust in the peace of God to make whole your emotions, and to guard your heart. The Bible says, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

Transformational Living
When can I block of weekly time on my calendar to guard my heart and replenish my emotional emptiness?

My thoughts!
Wow I need this this morning! I've truly been feeling empty as of late! I really need to do a better job of guarding my heart and find someone I trust to help me refill your tank!!!

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