
Boyd Bailey: Time for Closure…

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

At certain times life invites closure, and it is wise to accept. For example, the end of the year is a natural closing of the past 365 days. We reflect and ask, “How have I done?” What have I learned?” How can I build on this year going into the next?” Regardless of what happened this year (good or bad), I can focus on the next 12 months with cautious optimism, and peaceful trust in Christ to carry out His cause. Moreover, you may need to experience relational closure. You have served each other for a season, but now is the time to move on, and engage with other interesting souls. You release relationships to closure with confidence, knowing you both have become better. Indeed, it is closure that brings quiet contentment. There may be grief, joy and relief, but this is a path to peace.

Furthermore, you may be experiencing closure in this chapter of your career. You are excited, but a little afraid. You are happy, but a little sad. You are confident, but a little unsure. Use these mixed feelings to move you forward by faith. You have been faithful to do the things you don’t like, so now you can pursue projects around your passions. It is a clear conscious that collaborates with closure, and is able to leave behind any regrets. Forgiveness facilitates closure, so apply it liberally, especially to the undeserving. See this season as preparation for God’s next assignment. Closure grows your character, and is a transition of trust. Most of all, prepare for your final closure with Christ. The Lord gets the last word, and you want to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:23a).

Related Readings: Psalm 46:9; Ecclesiastes 8:5-6; Acts 17:26; Hebrews 9:27

Transformational Living
Where do I need closure, and what is the next step in seeing this come to pass?

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