
Boyd Bailey: Gift of Grandchildren…

“Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.” Proverbs 17:6

There are privileges to maturing in age, and one of them is the gift of grandchildren. Like a king and queen’s crown, they are exceptionally valuable and are to be displayed proudly. You look at their hands and feet, and you pray for them to handle life prayerfully and to walk wisely with the Lord. You gaze into their innocent eyes and see glimpses of God’s glory, and you pray for them to look often to the face of Jesus and be loved by Him.

Grandchildren are a gift from God that invites love and unifies families. They are a reminder that the Lord is at work to extend His legacy. So as you love on these little ones, make sure to sow into them the Word of God, and model for them grace, love, forgiveness, and fear of the Lord. Teach them to keep their eyes on Jesus for He will never let them down. Godly grandparents invite gullible grandchildren into their life.

Invite them to your work, so they can see how you relate to people with patience, encouragement and accountability. Invite them into your home, so they soak in how you unconditionally love and respect their grandmother or grandfather. Make sure they catch you laughing out loud every time they visit with you. Call them on the phone; send them emails and birthday cards; take them on trips; buy them ice cream, clothes and their first Bible. Make their memories with you bring a smile to their face.

Lastly, if you are a parent, honor your parents by allowing them to be in the presence of your children. Take a break from parenting and let your mom and dad spoil them. If you are a grandparent be extremely grateful to your children for the opportunity to invest in their children. Honor your children by respecting their way of parenting. Work with them and not against them. Indeed, your children still need your time, money and wisdom. “But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children-- with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.” (Psalm 107:17-18)

Related Readings: Psalm 78:4-6; 128:6; Proverbs 13:22; Joel 1:2-4

Source: Seeking Daily the Heart of God Boyd Bailey

My thoughts!
Okay God! We get it!

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