
Character Is Resourceful…

“In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers.” Proverbs 31:19

Sometimes you can make things cheaper and better than you can buy them. This is being resourceful. Do you find yourself trying to make ends meet and just paying the bills? Maybe there are some creative alternatives to cash. Consider bartering with a friend. You can babysit for each other and save the expense of paying someone to watch your child.

In the past at work you have been accustom to a fat budget for generating new business, but now your resources are lean or non-existent. Is there another professional relationship you could trade for your expertise? Perhaps your ability to coach someone in executive leadership could be exchanged for their access to web development. It is during tight times that creativity and resourcefulness reign. Think outside the box and it will grow.

The early church understood how to be resourceful in taking care of one another. “And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person's need was met” (Acts 2:43 TM). Is there something you need to sell so that someone else’s needs could be met?

Consider innovative alternatives to current issues and you will be freed from the status quo. Resourcefulness many times requires patience because it takes more time to research and connect the proper relationships, but it is fulfilling knowing you stewarded the Lord’s resources by faith and with frugality. Ask God for wisdom in how to creatively come up with unconventional solutions. He will lead you in ways you may not have even considered.

Cling to Christ, the ultimate Creator. “I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things” (Isaiah 45:7). Jesus is radically resourceful. When I run out of ideas do I run to Him for help and think creatively? What are some resourceful ways I can prayerfully meet our pressing needs?

Related Readings: Psalm 111:5; Ezekiel 18:7; Matthew 21:2; Luke 9:13-15

Source: Wisdom Hunters by Boyd Bailey

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