
Boyd Bailey: Influential Wife…

“…Listen to whatever Sarah tells you, because it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” Genesis 21:12 b

Listen to your wife; she can be God’s voice of wisdom and/or His heavenly sand paper. Especially when you are in distress over a decision, she can bring perspective and calm to the situation. If you are tempted to make a dumb decision, she is there to remind you of your convictions. She is built-in accountability, even when we don’t want to hear her voice. It may rub us the wrong way, but this irritation is how the Lord gets our attention.

Why does God frequently speak through your wife? One reason is she has your best interest in mind. You became one in marriage. As your decisions go, so goes your marriage and family. She wants you to be successful, because your success or failure is a reflection of your relationship with her. Furthermore, she wants you to make wise decisions because she loves you. “Love rejoices with the truth” (1 Corinthians 13:6b).

Still, it is sometimes hard to listen to your wife, even when you know it’s God’s desire and you can see the obvious benefits it provides. Perhaps you question her motive, or her way of communicating is overbearing. If it is a question of motive, ask her why she is suggesting to you her advice. If her method of communication is harsh or untimely, address this with her, but still receive the truth. Suggest to her how and when to speak the truth in love.

So wives, share your intuition in love and in a timely fashion; and husbands, listen intently and respectfully with an eye toward implementation. Are you listening to learn from your lover? “It [love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres” (1 Corinthians 13:7).

Related Readings: 1 Samuel 8:7-9; Isaiah 46:10; Romans 9:7-8; Hebrews 11:17-18

Transformational Living
What wisdom is my wife imparting that I need to heed and follow?

My thoughts!
God is trying to do something in my life with this devotion! God, Please help me to receive it!

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